Sunday, April 8, 2018

Those are some good ones!

In the midst of our joy for new missionaries we were shedding some tears for our missionaries that we sent off.  It is so hard to believe that we are seeing missionaries that we brought into the mission leave the mission!  How does time go so quickly?  It is also hard for us to believe that these Elders were brand new missionaries when we got here.  We sure do grow to know each of them individually and LOVE to see how they grow and become stronger. Above are some picture that I had from the first days in the mission and below is our mature missionaries.
Elder Perez, Elder Brito, Elder Grey, Hermana Montaña
Hermana Fisher and Elder Peña

Keep em`coming!

We are always so excited when we receive missionaries!  It is a great thing to see these new missionaries come bringing their talents and perspective for this beautiful country.  Each one adds a new and different dimension. 
Coming to us from Brasil is Elder Oliveria and Elder Neves

From the CCM in Argentina we received Hermana Rangle, Elder Galvas, Elder Gill and Elder Casteñada 
Hermana Rangel de Utah
Elder Gill de Paraguay
Elder Neves de Brasil
Elder Oliveria de Brasil
Elder Galvaz de Califonia
Elder Casteñada de Peru

From the other side of the world we received our first missionary from the Philippines Hermana Bulaqui

Those Paraguayans ROCK!

Occasionally we have the opportunity to actually take a missionary home when they have completely their mission.  Hermana Baez served half her mission here with us and has done an awesome job!  We got here after she had fought a battle of cancer which she got when she was on the first half of her mission in Mexico.  Such a happy ready to do anything Hermana that really made a difference here especially with her Guarani that she speaks fluently. Now we return her home to her family where she can share her same light with her non member mother and her less active brothers.  Thank you Hermana Baez!

Sharing a tradition

We had the opportunity to have a few of the missionaries here at the house to eat lunch in between sessions.  In between conference sessions on Saturday, we got to share an American tradition that we always do for Easter.  Coloring Easter eggs has always been a fun thing for our family but when you share it with missionaries you get some great creations.  

Wow! References!

This group of handsome young Elders should have an award!  They approached a school asking if they could teach a little about our church.  They were turned down but the school asked if they would be willing to teach about morals.  How perfect!  Of course they snatched the opportunity and taught how morals blessed their lives and why they did what they did.  This gradually brought about conversation about the church and in the end of the day they had 115 referrals from students in the high school very interested in living a better life.  Way to go Elders Bush, Castro, Aguilar, and Rafailano!  Who says teenagers aren`t looking for something to grab that is good in their lives?

Visiting Luque Sur 2

I am horrible about remembering to take pictures of everything that we do but one time I did remember this month... I guess in March.  We got to visit the District meeting of Luque Sur.  It is Travis`Semana Santa break from school so he got to go with us.  This was a great meeting lead by district leader Elder Rocha.  We also have been trading out our heavy blankets this month for clean ones.  This is in hopes that we will have the need for these at some time in the next few months.