We are still floating here in the mission with the opportunity to be with President and Sister Nelson, and Elder and Sister Stevenson! Blessed seems like a word that really doesn´t adequately describe how we feel.
We were counseled by Sister Stevenson on setting goals and being organized. Elder Stevenson taught us how the Missionary Handbook is really a handbook of blessings, the importance of the scriptures as we convert others and we become more converted ourselves, Preach My Gospel will provide us with the answers we need.
Sister Nelson taught us about obedience and how the more obedient we are the closer we become to being our true self and exact obedience brings miracles.
President Nelson taught us many things first the importance for all of us to be learning a language. If you are learning Spanish continue to learn a new word until your last day and if you speak Spanish you should be learning English.
He taught our missionaries that they should look for a companion after the mission that loves the Lord first.
He taught about the affirmations of the Book of Mormon and listed to us many of the things that he had been taught and had been affirmed to him as he has studied the Book of Mormon.
In the end he gave us an apostolic blessing! We were blessed and the families of our missionaries were blessed through their missionaries. We love our Prophet! We all had the opportunity to shake all the hands of each one of them.
These pictures below were found on the church website. It pretty neat that you can see so many of our missionaries in these!

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