Monday, May 8, 2017

Amazing miracles!

I really don't know how to begin expressing the amazing miracle that we have had in our lives.  Several months ago my husband started having some health problems but we were able to see a doctor here in Paraguay who felt that it was nothing to worry about.  We make a report of all medical situation to our Area Medical Doctor who felt like more tests were needed to rule out cancer.  We approached the doctor here twice about it but he refused to do the tests.  The situation was forwarded to Elder Schweitzer of the the 70 who examined all tests and felt that we needed more testing done.  We anticipated that we would go to Buenos Aires for more testing but the word came from Salt Lake that they wanted us to meet with a specialist the following week in Salt Lake City, an appointment one day and a biopsy two days later.  Wow!  There was so much going on here in the mission our heads were swirling!  We can't leave right now was our response.  We were assured that all would be taken care of here but we needed to go.  We took our son with us not knowing how long we would be gone or what our results would be.  We arrived on Monday night and went to the doctor the next day who did several exams and tests and by the end of the day assured us that there was no cancer right now and the condition could be controlled by medications and modifications at this time.  We called the next day for a flight back to Paraguay but they couldn't get us back out for a few days so we had the opportunity to drive to Idaho to see our Father Evans who had been struggling with cancer since we have been gone. Other family members had made arrangements to be there when they found that we were going to come for a day and a half.  We were able to spend sweet moments with our wonderful Father who passed away a few days later.  In that time he was completely himself and was able to give a wonderful father's blessing to President as we left.  How grateful we were to know that our Heavenly Father's love for this man was so strong that he brought us all the way from the other side of the earth to spend a few earthly moments with him before he called him home.  As a bonus all our children made trips so we could see and meet all of our 9 grandchildren, four of which have been born since we left on our mission.   A GREAT TENDER MERCY!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. What a tender mercy to be able to visit with family and to see Father Evans before he passed. And yet another tender mercy to find no cancer. Love to you and your family.
