We are trying to make one more round of visits to all the areas of the mission before we start our Stake Conferences again. This may have been the last time that we get to visit the humble beautiful people of Mistolar that have touched our lives. There are no sweeter singing voices on the face of the earth than what you will find in this community of the Nivacle. The children are always so happy to see what we brought. This time we brought them all the extra blocks from our Christmas project last year and our dolls that we used for our Savior of the World production. A few extra white boards that were left behind by missionaries returning home where a novelty as well.
We also were intrigued by the abundant amount of butterflies everywhere! Together they made an unusual color of blue. Apparently they are pretty but they suck the nectar from all the plants making the usual sufficient amount of honey for the Nivacle, non existent. For that reason we hope that they leave very soon.